Our Story | Cykel House Skip to main content

Our Story

It started with a dream, 15 years ago, that never went away. 


But life, and other stuff, always ‘got in the way’.  At least that was the excuse!


And then one day, the dream planted a seed.  And eventually it started to sprout… and that’s when this whole thing grew legs.  And had a home.  All because of a car(?!).  Didn’t expect a car at the start of a cycling business!


It progressed, the home got nicer… And then it stalled.  It was hard.  Where next?  But no one said starting a business was easy, right?  So we reached out for help.  And we added another into the ranks.  Avengers assembled.


It’s been an adventure.  But that’s where t’fun is?


What the flippin ‘eck is ‘adventure’?



an unusual and exciting or daring experience.



engage in daring or risky activity.


But come on people!  Let’s get some perspective.  You got back flips nailed?  Happy railing berms?  Maybe you gotta find something a bit more extreme for your next ‘adventure’. 


Happy being alone in t’woods?  Not get spooked and look over your shoulder in a forest – maybe it’s a lion, a tiger… or a bear?!  No?  Yeah, you’re probably pretty adventurous then.


But what if tha’s never ridden a bike before?  Kid just finding their freedom? 

Remember that feeling of freedom, when you are a kid and you have a bike and your mates and you can just head off wherever you wanted?  Life itself was an adventure.  Pretty special weren’t it? 


Now that you’ve grown up ‘n you’ve gotta do ‘adult’.


And that’s Cykel House.  Childish Adventurers.